Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 1
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 1
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 2
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 3
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 4
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 5
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 6
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 7
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 8
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 9
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 10
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 11
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 12
  • Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson Martingale - 13

Quilt the Rainbow - A Spectrum of 10 Eye-Catching Colorful Quilts by Amber Johnson - Martingale

29,00 €

Tutti e dieci i modelli di quilt contenuti nel libro possono essere realizzati con gli scarti e perfetti anche per i fat quarter. Inizia con il tuo colore preferito, quindi fatti strada attraverso un arcobaleno di sfumature. Se scegliere un preferito è troppo difficile, usa tutti i colori per creare una trapunta arcobaleno per mostrare la gamma di colori che ami. Dall'inizio alla fine, rimarrai abbagliato da queste trapunte luminose!



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Amber Johnson