Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda by Tone Finnanger David & Charles - 1
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda by Tone Finnanger David & Charles - 1
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle
    • Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda David & Charle

    Tilda's Toy Box, Sewing patterns for soft toys and more from the magical world of Tilda - Tone Finnanger di Tilda

    19,90 €

    La designer Tone Finnanger di Tilda porta il suo talento in peluche e regali per bambini, dalle adorabili bambole alle scimmie funky e ai pirati spavaldi in questa edizione tascabile del suo libro più venduto. La scatola dei giocattoli di Tilda ti mostrerà come realizzare una vasta gamma di bellissimi peluche e regali per bambini, oltre a bellissime trapunte e cuscini per la cameretta dei bambini. Scopri semplici modelli di cucito per bambole, simpatiche creature della giungla come scimmie e pappagalli e creazioni a tema marino come pirati, balene e pesci.



    Scheda tecnica

    210 x 230 x 18 mm
    Tone Finnanger
    Dicembre 2021